How to build an attenuator for 144 MHz, -10dB, 50 Watt.
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For my transverter I decided to use 50 Watt transceiver output. Searching for the needed attenuator -10dB, 50 Watt on Ebay etc. was without real success.
The solution was an attenuator chip -10 dB, 50 Watt, which I bought at the Ebay store  of  Henry Radio.
See what happened.

The chip. 50 Watt.

Of course only with a heatsink.

Attatched with screws and some stuff to minimize thermal resistance.

A bit of capacity to improve SWR.

Ready for use.

Input SWR (S11).
Capacitive loading at input and output should result in better SWR at higher frequencies.

The frequency response (S21).

The Vector Network Analyzer impedance (S11) setup,
using the auxiliary directional coupler ZEDC-15-2B
